Isher Academy curriculum supports the natural development of the child. The teacher serve less as an instructor and more as a guide or facilitator. Children are encouraged to learn how to learn, thus gaining independence and self – confidence
Child Center Assessment Method
Isher Academy follows the Child centered assessment methodology by CBSE commonly known as Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. It helps in student’s performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time intervals from the beginning of the academic session and assuring suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance. Systems has the following objectives:
• Help develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills
• Develop student’s thinking processes while deemphasizing memorization
• Make continuous evaluation an integral part of the teaching-learning process
• Use evaluation data for improving teaching-learning strategies
• Utilization assessment data as a quality control device to raise academic outcomes
• Enable teachers to make student-centric decisions about learner’s process of learning and learning environments
• Transform teaching and learning into a student centric activity.